Workshop 1: Twistronics, Moiré Physics and Topological Phenomena
The workshop will address emerging quantum transport properties in multilayer 2D materials based on interface engineering and twistronics applications. A particular focus on the impact of magic angles on electronic, vibrational or magnetic properties as well as topological phases occurring in such systems. Impact on spin transport properties and other topological phenomena will be also considered.
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Roshan Krishna Kumar |
Spain |
Invited |
Xiaobo Lu |
Peking University |
China |
Invited |
Kenji Yasuda |
Cornell University |
Invited |
Kenji Yasuda Cornell University (USA)
Physics and Applications of Sliding Ferroelectricity
Workshop 2 : Sensors and Biomedical Applications
The workshop will address the multi-functionality allowed by 2DMs and their biocompatibility, chemical stability, (bio-)sensing, actuating, and integration with flexible electronic technologies, in addition to health monitoring and built-in pharmacological interventions. Besides, research on medical imaging in combination with implantable devices, graphene for drug delivery of therapeutics as well as safety aspects of the proposed technologies will be discussed. |
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Lucia Gemma Delogu |
Khalifa Univ (UAE) & Univ of Padua |
Italy |
Invited |
Elisa Riedo |
Invited |
Workshop 3: 2DM Chemistry and composites
This workshop will focus on the progress of the chemical approaches towards graphene and related 2D materials. Top-down chemical exfoliation and bottom-up growth and synthesis of GRMs, as well as the chemical functionalization of GRMs with covalent and non-covalent approaches leading to tunable properties will be presented. Other topics including hierarchical hybrid structures, polymer composites, solution processing, electrocatalysis & photocatalysis, functional foams, membranes and coatings of GRMs will be also presented. |
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Catherine Journet-Gautier |
Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 / CNRS |
France |
Invited |
Paolo Samorì |
Université de Strasbourg |
France |
Invited |
Workshop 4: Theory of 2D Materials and Devices Simulation
This workshop aims at presenting recent theoretical advances and simulation studies of optical, magnetic and spin transport phenomena in graphene, two-dimensional materials (2DM), as well as more complex vdW heterostructures. Emphasis will be given to concepts such as valleytronics, dynamics of excitons, as well as the emerging field of twistronics. A particular focus will be also given to the physics emerging from 2D magnetic materials and their interfacing with other 2DM such as TMD and others to trigger spintronic applications. |
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Luis E. F. Foà Torres |
Universidad de Chile |
Chile |
Invited |
Mikito Koshino |
Osaka University |
Japan |
Invited |
Young-Woo Son |
Korea Institute for Advanced Study |
South Korea |
Invited |
Workshop 5: Nanographenes and related 2D-based nanostructures
This workshop will cover all bottom-up 1D and 2D nanostructures made from graphene and other materials, such as nanoporous graphene, graphene nanoribbons, 2D organic materials and so on. From growth to device fabrication, from fundamental and applied properties in sensing, electronics and quantum technologies. All related emerging classes of materials will be considered in the perspectives of novel nanoscale applications and technologies. |
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Isaac Alcón |
ICN2 |
Spain |
Invited |
Joaquin Fernandez-Rossier |
Portugal |
Invited |
Jiong Lu |
National University of Singapore |
Singapore |
Invited |
Nacho Pascual |
Spain |
Invited |
Felix Raoul Fischer |
University of California Berkeley |
Invited |
Isaac Alcón ICN2 (Spain)
Multiradical 1D and 2D conjugated polymers: novel platforms to control electron pairing, spin, and topological physics
Jiong Lu National University of Singapore (Singapore)
Zigzag-edged 0D and 1D graphene nanostructures with strongly correlated multiple radicals
Felix Raoul Fischer University of California Berkeley (USA)
Engineering Low Energy Modes in 1D and 2D Carbon Nanomaterials”
Workshop 6: Photonics, Plasmonics and Phononics
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Igor Aharonovich |
Australia |
Invited |
Brian D. Gerardot |
Heriot-Watt University |
UK |
Invited |
Kazunari Matsuda |
Kyoto University |
Japan |
Invited |
Keun Su Kim |
Yonsei University |
South Korea |
Invited |
Brian D. Gerardot Heriot-Watt University (UK)
Optical spectroscopy of moire materials
Workshop 7: 2D Magnetism and Spintronics
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Saroj Prasad Dash |
Chalmers |
Sweden |
Invited |
Talieh S. Ghiasi |
Harvard University |
Invited |
Marcos Guimaraes |
University of Groningen |
The Netherlands |
Invited |
Je-Geun Park |
Seoul National University |
South Korea |
Invited |
Talieh S. Ghiasi Harvard University (USA)
Towards quantum spintronics with graphene-based magnetic heterostructures
Marcos Guimaraes University of Groningen (The Netherlands)
Optical and Electrical Control of Magnetization Dynamics in Van der Waals Magnets
Workshop 8: Advanced Characterization of 2DM and heterostructures
The workshop focuses on recent advances and challenges in the characterization of 2D materials, van der Waals architectures and 2D material-based devices. Properties and phenomena investigated at the mesoscopic, nano and atomic scales using diverse advanced techniques will be covered, e.g. growth, defects, chemical functionalization, heterojunctions, charge transfer and dynamics, light emission, device operation. The scope will include a wide range of characterization methods that are critical for the study of 2D materials, such as microscopy, spectroscopy and transport / photo-transport measurements. The workshop will also address multimodal/multidimensional approaches that allow a simultaneous acquisition of several information channels (e.g. structural/chemical, structural/opto-electronic…), in-situ manipulations, time-resolved measurements and operando characterization. |
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Kyoko Ishizaka |
University of Tokyo |
Japan |
Invited |
Miguel M. Ugeda |
Spain |
Invited |
Florie Mesple |
University of Washington |
Invited |
Hanako Okuno |
CEA-Grenoble |
France |
Invited |
Florie Mesple University of Washington (USA)
Visualizing the sub-moiré polarization of the topological bands of twisted Molibdenium ditelluride with Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
Workshop 9: Energy Applications of 2D Materials
A series of targeted talks given by Invited speakers will be followed by oral contributions selected from the Graphene 2025 submissions on all workshops mentioned above. |