Diamond Sponsor |
The AIXTRON Group is a leading provider of deposition equipment to the semiconductor industry. The Company was founded in 1983 and is headquartered in Herzogenrath (Aachen City Region), Germany, with subsidiaries and representative offices in Asia, the USA, and Europe. The company's products are used worldwide by a wide range of customers to manufacture high-performance components for electronic and optoelectronic applications based on compound or organic semiconductor materials. These components are used in a variety of innovative applications, technologies and industries. These include, for example, LED and display technology, data transmission, sensor technology, energy management and conversion, communication, signal and lighting technology, and many other sophisticated high-tech applications.
Gold Sponsors |
The HORIBA Group of worldwide companies provides an extensive array of instruments and systems for applications ranging from automotive R&D, process and environmental monitoring, in-vitro medical diagnostics, semiconductor manufacturing and metrology, to a broad range of scientific R&D and QC measurements. Proven quality and trustworthy performance have established widespread confidence in the HORIBA Brand.
The ultimate vision of the GraphCAT Community is to establish Catalonia as an international reference in graphene research, development and innovation, with multiple local industries deriving strong competitive advantage in the global marketplace through the integration of proprietary graphene technologies into their products and services.
GraphCAT will achieve this by cultivating a strong community of international graphene researchers, practitioners and businesses, bringing their combined expertise to the development of cutting-edge graphene technologies for and by Catalan industry. It will also provide support for the transfer of technology to industry, as well as the creation of spin-off companies.
Specifically, it will do so through GraphCAT projects, led by Community members and co-funded through the Catalan regional research and innovation strategy for smart specialisation, RIS3CAT.

AMO’s mission as a non-profit SME is to bridge the gap between university research and industrial application. In joint projects and in bilateral cooperation, research and development results are transferred to industry for the preservation and creation of jobs. The potential of nanotechnology is thus tapped in fields of application such as information technology, biotechnology and environmental technology. AMO operates a state-of-the-art 400 m² clean room under the direction of Prof. Lemme and offers a rang of services from consulting to prototype development.

PhD Grants Sponsor |
The "HOWDI" research group: Van der Waals hetero-structures of low dimensionality "is both a national research group (GDR 2112) and an international coordination network (IRN" Graphene and co). The ambition of the GDR is to bring together and interact with teams interested in the study of all the physical properties that emerge from these van der Waals assemblies.
Other Sponsors |

As an academic division of UGA, a recognized research hub and a founding member of the Grenoble ecosystem, Grenoble INP Graduate schools of Engineering and Management, Université Grenoble Alpes plays a major role in the scientific and industrial community.
Located in the capital of the Alps for more than 100 years, Grenoble INP - UGA is a founding member of the Grenoble Ecosystem, which has developed around three core pillars: education, research and industry.
The MINOS LabEx (MInatec NOvel devices Scaling Laboratory of Excellence), is an alliance of Grenoble based academic laboratories from CNRS, University Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble Institute of Technology and CEA/Leti. MINOS Lab enables transfer of know how and expertise generated in its laboratories with micro and nanoelectronics industrials partners. Patents and Joint Development Programs with OEM and Suppliers along with national and international collaborations through dedicated programs, are also some of the key ouput of MINOS.
LANEF is a ‘Laboratoire d’Excellence’ or “Labex” that associates six fundamental research labs based in Grenoble: Institut Néel, IRIG, G2Elab, LNCMI, LPMMC and LiPhy. It enhances synergies across research teams, strengthens education through research, deepens connections with R&D partners, and structures international collaborations. Its strategic funding actions allow for the organisation of scientific events and the acquisition of specific equipment and offers new opportunities for students and high-level scientists to join this vibrant scientific community.